Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Testing IE8 Beta: Like Ohio, we expected better from you

IE8 Beta went public today, and I'm running it through Meyerweb's CSS2 test suite. Unlike IE7, which had exactly zero CSS properties missing in IE6 (sorry, supporting + and > operators doesn't count), IE8 appears to be the direction IE should have been taking for the last eight years.

Newly supported/fixed:
However, still unsupported in IE while supported elsewhere:
Sadly, FF and IE still don't support font-stretch or text-shadow.

IE8 has made some progress compared to the pile of fail that was IE7. It still falls damned short of where an XHTML browser ought to be, and the things we told Microsoft to get straight two years ago.

It's disappointing that nothing short of harassment influences the likes of IE's dev staff.

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