In the past I've gotten away with swapping out HDs from Linux systems to newer PCs. After the most recent swap, I noticed two things stopped working: sound volume and DVD playback in Myth's internal player. Checking the settings between the troubled backend and the slave backend did me no good; they were identical.
What had happened with the DVD was that
/dev/dvd wasn't being created properly at boot. Error messages reading "can't stat /dev/dvd" turned up a search which led to
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules, the config file which describes your optical drives' default
/dev/ creation. Another blogger had discovered that replacing his optical drive did not automagically bring everything up to snuff; another set of rules were added but the previous set of rules were not deleted.
I haven't nailed down the audio problem yet, but I suspect it's similar. Edit: Apparently this is a problem with Intrepid and the onboard VIA 82xx audio chipset driver. I'll be experimenting with an audio card to see what I can do there.