Friday, June 02, 2006

Frying pan not hot enough; reinstalling Myth under Dapper

It seems inane to reinstall Breezy just so I can download six months' worth of updates and bolt on the support that Myth needs, when much of it has been put into Dapper.

So,,,, here goes nothing.

Lacking the official 6.06 LTS release CD, I attempted to install from the Flight 6 CD and discovered that Espresso couldn't deal with the partitioning scheme I intended (20Gb ext3 for /, 1 Gb swap for swap, and remaining XFS for /home). It screwed up partitioning and the choice of filesystem for the ones it got.

FYI: if you have a Breezy install CD and you want to get to Dapper, don't use apt-get dist-upgrade like you would with Debian proper. Install Breezy, then go to a terminal and do the following:
sudo apt-get install update-manager
Breezy's default Update Manager (off the System -- Administration submenu) doesn't have a one-step button for updating between major releases, but the update in the repositories does. As soon as you've done this, go to the Update Manager and click the button for doing the full upgrade.

And expect it to take 5 hours or so to get all 1000 files on a 256K DSL connection.

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