Saturday, March 11, 2000

Thoughts, ramblings, utter bullshit


Pull up a chair. This is a place to keep up with events, to share ideas, and maybe show off a bit. Most of you already know me in one facet or another; consider this an attempt to fuse these diverse sides.

There's another reason. After eight years in diverse areas of commercial design, I got hired in web development at a state university in the southwest. That was four months ago, and it's grown unusual to have no personal Web presence, especially with an increasing number of friends, acquaintances and relatives who already do.

Everything here will not interest you equally. We diminish the Web's potential to broaden our minds if we only use it to zero in on what we find most attractive. When television was first introduced into our homes, its proponents told us it would bring unimagined learning to the masses. Fifty years later, we know new media won't make us smarter if we don't exploit it. If I want to see a better use of the Web, it's my responsibility to add my voice. You'll hear me return to this theme again in later entries. And believe me, I want to hear what you have to say. There's no reason for either of us to be here otherwise.
